The Movement
Named after the Passionist Religious Order who came up with the idea in 1973 in the Sydney Parish of St Anthony of the Fields as a practical response to the needs of the parish. It came to New Zealand in 1988 and to Tawa in 1998. Today the Movement is present in 360 parishes in Australia and New Zealand.
Our Lady of Hope presently has seven groups with over 150 members made up of 12-18 families. Each group organises a monthly outing such as film evenings, musical soirees, car rallies, and picnics, with the purpose of developing friendships and support networks within the parish. The functions are an opportunity to spend quality time together and children will feel they belong to a large extended family. Anyone can join a Family Group – Family Groups are for everyone!
Aims and Goals
- - to share our Christian life together
- - to support each other in times of need and celebration
- - to give example to, and involve our children in our Christian sharing
- - to live and love like the early Christians: “See how they love one another.”
- - to build and promote community spirit within the parish.
Parish Groups
- - Age-to-Age Family Group
- - Bellringers Family Group
- - Cralberts Family Group
- - Goodies Family Group
- - Kahikatea Family Group
- - Passionfruits Family Group
- - Positively Passionate People Family Group
The leadership of the groups are shared by the members. PFG leaders meet every second month and this provides an opportunity for them to share their \'stories\', joys, difficulties, and ideas for promoting the Passionist Family Group spirituality.
Formation Weekends
These are held once a year usually around April/May. Fr Brian Traynor comes out from Australia to run these. PFG leaders and members are encouraged to attend and it provides a great opportunity for members to meet others in the region sharing ideas and the Passionist Spirituality.
Youth Retreats
Also organised by Fr Brian Traynor and his team from Australia these retreats are offered to the youth of all parishes in the Archdiocese. An adult (18-35 years) and youth (15-18 years) retreat are run during the July school holidays. Those that attend are very enthusiastic to return the following year and just love the experience. Visit the website to find out more and download registration forms.
Annual Birthday Mass
This is usually celebrated in September or October where leaders help organise the liturgy, commission any new leaders and share a morning tea after Mass.
Annual Function
In the past the Co-ordinators and leaders have organised a Quiz Night, a shared luncheon, various themed Parish Dances and a revue night.
Morning Tea Roster
The PFG movement is rostered on regularly along with other groups providing morning tea after the 8.30 Mass once a month. PFG members provide regular articles for the quarterly Stories of Hope publication and reminders of what groups are doing each month are regularly published in the weekly newsletter. There is also a pamphlet available from both church foyers with a form to fill in if you are interested in joining.
Visit the Passionist Family Group website at for more information.